ESG Drives Business, Especially with Millennials redo

ESG Drives Business, Especially with Millennials

Corporate Responsibility/ESG10 Sep, 2020

Communicating your company’s commitment to ESG (Environmental – Social - Governance) initiatives is top of mind for today's communications leaders, and for good reason. According to a recent analysis by the Data Science team at RepTrak, 60% of the general public are willing to buy from a company with a high ESG score, whereas only 20% are willing to buy from a company with a low score:

ESG is a Key Differentiator in Purchasing Decisions

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Targeting millennials? Then it is even more critical that you communicate your ESG initiatives. Since 2019, millennials are the largest living adult population in the U.S. with the highest projected spending power on a global scale. Our analysis finds that millennials place 3x as much importance on ESG when making buying decisions relative to non-millennials:

Top Predictors of Willingness to Buy Among Millennials vs. Non-Millennials

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More and more people are evaluating your company based on how they perceive your ESG efforts.  Need help understanding how your company’s ESG activities are resonating with your target audience? Click here to learn more about how your ESG efforts are perceived relative to your industry and competitors.

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