
Supply Chain Hiccups Dings Delivery of a Consistent Experience

Blog Post18 Oct, 2021

Big Idea

Companies continue to struggle with supply chain disruptions. Despite pandemic trends and the global economy improving, organizations face difficulty meeting increased consumer demand. While some corporates take a wait-and-see position, others are more proactive, such as chartering transportation vessels to deliver their products. Ultimately, companies are now taking ownership of the tenuous situation with the hopes of alleviating stakeholder concerns.

RepTrak Perspective 

Meeting stakeholder needs and delivering a consistent experience is table-stakes for maintaining and growing reputation. Here, an emphasis on Products and Services is essential to maintaining strong Reputation Scores, as it continues to be the most significant Reputation Driver for the third year. 

Reputation Context

Why is this important?

Continuity of services is essential to maintaining strong Reputation Scores; the Factor, "Meets customer needs," held its position as the third most significant to reputation for the past year. To maintain their reputation advantage, companies must meet their advocates' expectations. Already, RepTrak data shows a 6%-point decrease over the past year for the Brand Expressiveness measure "Delivers a consistent experience."  

What is the reputation connection?

Reputation progress is inextricable from Products. Globally, on average, companies have "strong" Product Driver Scores (74.6), despite experiencing a 1.6-point decrease from 2020. Additionally, across industries, "Stands behind products and services" was the second-highest scoring Factor (74.9) in Q3 2021.

How are companies navigating through complications?

  • Nike implemented new technology to increase the visibility of their products to maximize inventory tracking and faster delivery for consumer satisfaction. The company saw a 3-point increase in Products scores (73.3) from July 2020 – July 2021.

  • Kellogg's met increased consumer demand for non-perishable products by switching to a regional paperboard packaging supplier, which offset high prices with lower transportation costs. Despite a slight decrease of 1-point since June 2020, Kellogg's maintains a strong Products score of 76.6.

Convo Starters

What steps can your company take to increase transparency for stakeholders during supply chain disruptions? 

What long-term effects can a slow supply chain recovery have on your industry, and how can your company innovate ways to take charge?

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